Revised version no.3 completed on 12/04/06, previously revised 19/03/03, original html updated 28/08/98


IRAQ 1961

The land between two rivers

The following pages are a historical government tourist record of IRAQ, as it generally was in 1961 under Major General Qassim. It is the republication of an editorial promoting the peace and accessibility of the country.

A Text-Only Version, about 131kb, with links to the photographs. This version is best for those with a slow downloading connection.

Archaeological Site Maps of Iraq: A detailed map showing the location of the numerous archaeological and monumental sites.
Illustrated Map of Iraq: A detailed map showing sights and areas of historic and geographic interest.
Communications & Transport Maps of Iraq (1958-1961): These maps give the rail and road routes.
Baghdad City: A plan of Baghdad City (1959)
Iraq Summer Resorts: Map of the north region of Iraq.

Sarsang, first class hotel